Our Programs

We offer a variety of programs that are designed to keep students active and engaged.

Sports Offered

Our after-school programs are held on school campuses and provide a safe and fun environment for students to practice their favorite sports and games.


A fast-paced game that requires speed, agility, and teamwork to succeed.



The world's most popular sport, soccer combines physical fitness with strategic thinking

Gaga Ball

Gaga Ball

A classic American pastime that requires precision, coordination, and teamwork.

kids running a track race
Speed And Agility

Speed And Agility

A fast-paced Volleyball sport that challenges players' agility, reflexes, and precision.

Flag Football

Flag Football

golf can help players develop concentration, patience, and resilience, while also providing a fun.

Kick Ball

Kick Ball

A high-speed game that demands quick reflexes, strategic thinking, and precision shots.

Join J's Athletics Today!

Ready to help your child develop important life skills and have fun playing their favorite sports in a safe and supportive environment? Contact us today to learn more about our after-school sports programs and enroll your child.

Our Coaches and Staff

At J’s Athletics, we understand that the quality of our programs depends largely on the expertise and dedication of our coaches and staff. That’s why we take great care in selecting and training our team of coaches, educators, and support staff.
We are proud to have a team of highly skilled and dedicated coaches and staff at J’s Athletics, and we believe that they are a key factor in the success of our programs. We are committed to providing ongoing training and support to our team to ensure that they continue to provide the highest quality sports education experience to our students.
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